
کتاب Bayesian Methods for Hackers, 1st Edition

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  • تعداد صفحه:250
  • زبان:انگلیسی
  • ویرایش اول
  • تاریخ انتشار:(October 2, 2015)
  • رنگ
  • سیاه سفید

شما هم فروشنده شوید

  • تاریخ عضویت:1399-12-10
  • استان: آذربایجان شرقی
  • شهر: تبریز
  • تعداد کالای فروشنده: 3599
  • موجودی این کالا: 10
260,000 تومان
افزودن به سبد خرید
ویژگی های محصول
  • وزن: 550 گرم
  • سایز: 17.8*1.5*23.1
  • جنس: کتاب
  • دوام: کیفیت چاپ بالا

ارسال کتاب های زبان اصلی در بازه ۸ الی ۱۲ روزه انجام میشود.
Bayesian Methods for Hackers, ۱st Edition

Bayesian Methods for Hackers: Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Inference (Addison-Wesley Data & Analytics) (Addison-Wesley Data & Analytics) ۱st Edition

by Cameron Davidson-Pilon Davidson-Pilon(Author)
Master Bayesian Inference through Practical Examples and Computation–Without Advanced Mathematical Analysis

Bayesian methods of inference are deeply natural and extremely powerful. However, most discussions of Bayesian inference rely on intensely complex mathematical analyses and artificial examples, making it inaccessible to anyone without a strong mathematical background. Now, though, Cameron Davidson-Pilon introduces Bayesian inference from a computational perspective, bridging theory to practice–freeing you to get results using computing power.

Bayesian Methods for Hackers illuminates Bayesian inference through probabilistic programming with the powerful PyMC language and the closely related Python tools NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib. Using this approach, you can reach effective solutions in small increments, without extensive mathematical intervention.

Davidson-Pilon begins by introducing the concepts underlying Bayesian inference, comparing it with other techniques and guiding you through building and training your first Bayesian model. Next, he introduces PyMC through a series of detailed examples and intuitive explanations that have been refined after extensive user feedback. You’ll learn how to use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, choose appropriate sample sizes and priors, work with loss functions, and apply Bayesian inference in domains ranging from finance to marketing. Once you’ve mastered these techniques, you’ll constantly turn to this guide for the working PyMC code you need to jumpstart future projects.

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محصولات مرتبط

محصولات دیگر این فروشنده

  • تاریخ عضویت:1399-12-10
  • استان: آذربایجان شرقی
  • شهر: تبریز
  • تعداد کالای فروشنده: 3599
  • موجودی این کالا: 10
260,000 تومان
افزودن به سبد خرید
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